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Imaginary Landscapes Inspired by Ray Bradbury

In my third year at CSM, I challenged myself to draw landscapes that don't exist. My quest led me to explore imaginary worlds through various written materials, and I discovered the incredible short stories of Ray Bradbury.

The Martian Chronicles, written in the 1940s before the first images of Mars were ever taken, are filled with Bradbury's vivid, imaginative depictions of the Red Planet. His beautifully crafted narratives inspired me to create a series of illustrations based on his vision of Mars.


Here are a few quotes from The Martian Chronicles that inspired my artwork:


"They had a house of crystal pillars on the planet Mars by the edge of an empty sea. She watched the blue sky of Mars as if it might at any moment grip in on itself, contract, and expel a shining miracle down upon the sand."


"It was a futile spread of pink rocks sleeping on a rise of sand, a few tumbled pillars, and then the sweep of sand again. Nothing else for miles. A white desert around the canal and a blue desert over it. Under the deep ocean sky, straight pecial line of canal going violet through a wide shallow valley penned by low, eroded hills."


"This was a crossroads where two dead highways came and went in darkness. The ancient glassy sea floor, where crystals were long buried. The wind hurled and the sand-ship keening over the dead sea-bottom, past up-ended pillars, past deserted docks of marble and brass, past dead white chess cities, past purple foothills, into distance."

These evocative descriptions from Bradbury's work guided my artistic journey, allowing me to bring to life the surreal and fantastical landscapes of Mars as imagined in the 1940s.

2017, Illustration
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